CompIQ MINI Pro Compressor reviewed by Guitar World Magazine

We are very honored to have our CompIQ MINI Pro Compressor reviewed by Guitar World Magazine (June 2021 Issue). Short and straight to the subject, Paul Riario spots the pros and notes about the pedal:

Becos FX CompIQ Mini Pro Compressor review - Guitar World - Platinum Award - June 2021“Functionality is top-notch, and it’s astounding that Becos can deliver such a high level of pristine compression in such a tiny housing. It’s a stunningly beautiful and transparent compression that immediately enhances the overall sound dynamically – meaning it doesn’t color your guitar tone but rather makes it sound more present and appear louder in a room. It’s so essential and good, I can’t take it off my pedalboard – actually, I refuse to take it off.

The Verdict

A top-quality VCA-style compressor in a mini-pedal format, with every control you might need, the Becos FX has put the squeeze on the competition here.”

Thank you, GW for awarding the CompIQ MINI Pro with Platinum Award!

Read the review online here. PDF archive.