Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal
Award-winning vocalist, songwriter, producer, and world-renowned guitar virtuoso....Cezar Popescu
Romanian guitarist in Vita de Vie, Days of Confusion, Domination, Equilateral Guitar Union....
Do you want to be featured in the Artists section?
If you use or have used our products and want to be showcased as an artist in this section, contact us and be ready with the following information:
- your name/band' name(s)
- a brief history of you,
- instrument(s) played,
- BECOS product(s) used,
- website link,
- social media links (limited to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Soundcloud)
- your artist picture with a width of min 700px for which you hold the copyrights (by sending it to us you allow us to post it here for your image promotion),
- and a few words about your experience with our products, so we can quote you.
We publish information about the artists' connection to our products in good faith
This page should not be interpreted as an endorsement unless explicitly mentioned. We warmly welcome anyone, of all skill levels and fame, who plays musical instruments, and we refer to them simply as artists. Although some of the artists presented here may express more enthusiasm towards our products than others who prefer to remain anonymous, the main aim of this page is to feature individuals who use or have used our products and have given their comments or feedback on them. We regard it as our way of expressing gratitude towards our users for their support and for choosing our products.
We act in good faith and do our best to display accurate information while respecting copyrights and privacy, and crediting the sources of information. If mistakes are spotted and you wish to have the information corrected, replaced, or removed from this section, simply contact us with your request. If you faithfully believe we did any infringement in displaying such information, please notify us, and ensure your complaint includes:
- Contact Information: Provide your email address, physical address, or telephone number to facilitate communication regarding your complaint.
- Description of Your Work: Clearly and comprehensively describe the copyrighted material you believe has been infringed. If multiple works are involved, provide a representative list.
- Allegedly Infringing URLs: Include the specific URLs where the infringing content is located. General information about the content's location is insufficient; we require the exact URLs.
- Agreement Statements that you must affirm and agree to: "I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. The information in this notification is accurate and I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."
- Signature: Affix your physical or electronic signature, representing either your full legal name or an authorized representative acting on your behalf. This signature is essential for the completion of the complaint process.